by Alisa Kurvink | Mar 1, 2024 | Knowledge
The SaaS world used to be all about equity. Venture capitalists showered young SaaS companies with funds, valuations soared, and debt financing seemed like a dusty option. But the tide is turning. With stricter VC scrutiny, plummeting funding rounds, and a renewed...
by | Nov 24, 2023 | Knowledge
A great business idea? For startups, that is hardly enough to be successful. Securing funding is as crucial as having an innovative idea. Fortunately, there are many options available for every startup stage. What factors should founders consider? Where do startups...
by | Sep 11, 2023 | Knowledge
In the business world, whether steering a SaaS startup, an SME, or a big corporation, one thing is certain: funding is essential. It fuels growth, powers investments, and keeps the operation running. So, how do you secure funds, especially for your SaaS company? Well,...