Why a Pay-It-Forward culture can boost Benelux SaaS

Sep 16, 2024

Five years ago, I published my first podcast episode. Starting that podcast turned out to be one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. It brought me countless insights, connections, and an incredible learning experience.

Like any journey, there were phases I had to go through.

Finding my style as a podcast host

Initially, I had to discover my style as a podcast host. Interviewing people who had built businesses much larger than mine felt uncomfortable at first. But over the years, being in the host’s seat started to feel like my happy place, and now, I can’t think of anything more enjoyable. Although it’s still a challenge to get the best out of every conversation, podcasting remains my favorite thing to do.

From podcast to events

After gaining traction with the podcast, I started organizing events. Our first event in Scheveningen was full of rookie mistakes, but what mattered more was the energy I got from it. It was the starting point for more events. This year alone, we’ve hosted over 25 events, and next year, we plan to top that.

Membership Program

Another step was creating a membership program to structure our services. Although we’ve grown into a community of hundreds of SaaS companies, our membership model still has room for improvement, and we’re working on a new program behind the scenes. More on that later.

The rebranding to We Love SaaS

Last year, I committed fully to serving the Benelux SaaS industry, and after rebranding (from SaaS Bazen) to We Love SaaS, things started to accelerate. My perspective on the SaaS market has changed significantly.

Understanding the SaaS Ecosystem

A bit embarressed to admit, but until recently, I didn’t fully grasp the dynamics of the SaaS market in broader sense. I’ve never focused on the market-wide developments and/because I’m naturally very people-focused; once I start speaking with a founder, I dive deep into their world, asking about their business, challenges, struggles and successes (and I sort of lose the bigger picture).

This year, I made a conscious effort to connect the dots and see patterns in the SaaS industry and to look at it more broadly. Speaking with founders and investors all day puts me in a unique position to observe macro trends. By understanding the industry and talking with other community leaders, I’ve seen many developments. This had also led to a key insights.

Pay It Forward: a/the missing ingredient

Many founders often ask for my advice or opinion on specific questions—how to structure a sales team, who to hire next, pricing strategies, marketing frameworks, etc. While I enjoy diving into these specifics, I’ve been thinking more broadly about the local SaaS ecosystem lately.

In the Benelux, we have access to talent, great infrastructure, strong working conditions, and a resilient economy. Yes, there are regulatory hurdles and areas needing improvement, but the foundations for building great companies are in place.

However, one thing stands out as an opportunity: creating a culture of paying it forward.

If you ask anyone who’s worked in Silicon Valley, they’ll often mention the pay-it-forward culture as a critical ingredient for success. It’s an unwritten rule that successful founders help others—they respond to emails, make time for coffee to share knowledge, mentor other founders and invest in early-stage startups.

Building a Pay-It-Forward culture in Benelux

I dream of a similar culture here. Imagine if the Benelux became known not just for our maritime and trading legacies but also as a powerhouse of SaaS innovation. More unicorns, more collaboration, and a stronger, interconnected community.

What if successful founders helped the next generation with funding, mentoring, and advice? What if we worked together to attract global talent and shape a better environment? Paying it forward isn’t just about being nice; it’s about building a community where success breeds more success.

To all the founders already paying it forward: thank you. Your generosity is making a difference. You’re not just contributing to the success of individual startups; you’re shaping the future of our entire SaaS industry.

And to those seeking guidance: don’t hesitate to reach out. There’s a wealth of experience waiting to be shared by those who believe today’s help leads to tomorrow’s successes.

If we want to build an ecosystem of winners, we need to act like one. Every act of generosity, every piece of advice, every time you lend a hand—it all matters.

Behind the scenes, we’re working on several initiatives to bring this vision to life. Alongside a group of successful founders, I’m taking steps to put these ideas into action.

The first step is showcasing highly successful, often exited founders at SaaS Summit Benelux, where they’ll share their hard-earned lessons. We’re also working on other projects to foster a pay-it-forward culture. It’s time for a stronger Benelux SaaS ecosystem, and you will benefit—both by contributing and receiving.


Johan de Wit

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